
Hiroyuki Iseki

Digital Marketing Specialist /

Experience Designer

I joined George P.Johnson, an experiential marketing agency, as a graduate after studying spatial design and graphic design at university.
I learned the basics of the customer experience through creating experiential marketing designs, customer journeys, supported the creation of new business proposals and presentations and directed internal and external resources as an art director and experience designer.
After three and a half years of experience in design-related work, I joined MRM Worldwide in 2020, a digital marketing company which a group of McCann Worldgroup.
Currently, I am involved in the coordination of a wider range of event and digital marketing activities, including content marketing and data-driven marketing.

大学で空間デザイン・グラフィックデザインを学んだのち、新卒でエクスペリエンスマーケティングエージェンシーである株式会社George P.Johnsonに入社。デザイナーとしてエクスペリエンスマーケティングのデザイン制作を通してカスタマーエクスペリエンスの基礎を学び、アートディレクターとしてカスタマージャーニー設計、新規ビジネス企画書の作成サポートやプレゼンテーション、内部および外部リソースへのディレクション業務を行う。

Personal Interest

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